Does Hepatitis A test use blood or urine?
Our Hepatitis A test is a blood test. When you visit one of our testing centers, a lab technician will draw a small sample of blood.
What do I need to do to prepare for the test?
No fasting or any other preparation is necessary before visiting the testing center.
When is the right time to test for Hepatitis A?
Our doctors recommend waiting at least 2-7 weeks to get tested because the hepatitis A virus (HAV) has an average incubation period of about 28 days. While HAV infection usually does not result in chronic liver disease or infection, it can prove fatal in rare cases (0.5%). In addition, 10%-15% of HAV patients may have a relapse of symptoms during the 6 months after treatment.
How did I contract Hepatitis A?
HAV is commonly acquired via fecal to mouth contact (i.e., eating food or drinking water contaminated with feces). The virus can also be contracted through anal-oral contact during sex.
What will the test results say?
Your Hepatitis A test result will say positive or negative. If your result is negative, there is no sign of hepatitis A. If positive, hepatitis A antibodies were found.
Can Hepatitis A be cured or treated?
There is no cure for the hepatitis A virus. If you have contracted the virus, doctors will monitor your liver functions to ensure you are healing properly. To protect yourself against HAV, be sure to practice good personal hygiene and get a vaccination if you are at risk for infection.
Hepatitis A vaccinations are recommended for all children one year and older, for persons who are at risk for hepatitis A-related complications, and for people who wish to obtain immunity from the virus.
Who needs Hepatitis A testing?
Anyone can get hepatitis A in the United States, as there are no specific risk factors associated with the virus. However, among the groups who are most susceptible to contracting Hepatitis A are men who have had sexual contact with other men, people who engage in oral to anal sex, illegal drug users, and international travelers who acquire the virus in countries where HAV is prevalent.
What Is Hepatitis A?
What is Hep A? Hepatitis A (HAV) is a contagious, acute (sudden and severe at the start) liver disease that, unlike hepatitis B and C, does not become chronic (gradually developing serious, long-term complications). Hepatitis A is a virus, and its infections can be mild and last a few weeks, or severe and last several months. People with hepatitis A are typically cured of the virus without treatment and often only need proper rest and fluid intake.
Adults can experience symptoms including but not limited to:
- Fatigue
- Jaundice
- Stomach pain
- Nausea
- Low appetite
How Common Is Hepatitis A?
The most common hepatitis viruses in the U.S. are hepatitis A, B, and C. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), since 1995, rates have declined by more than 95% thanks to the vaccine becoming available.1 In 2016, there were only an estimated 4,000 hepatitis A cases in the U.S.
Most types of hepatitis, especially hepatitis A, are much more common in developing countries.
How Serious Is Hep A?
Most people with Hepatitis A will feel sick for several weeks but fortunately, it is normal to recover without permanent or lasting liver damage. It is not a disease that commonly becomes a chronic liver disease. However, while it is pretty rare, there have been cases reported where hepatitis A caused liver failure and even death. This happens more often in people beyond the age of 50 and in those with other liver conditions.
Hepatitis A Causes
Hepatitis is found in the blood and stool of infected persons. It’s super contagious. You can unknowingly ingest the virus, even in small microscopic quantities. It can occur from sexually activity or eating food containing the infection. The infection can happen at any point of processing food. Like, during the growth or harvesting stages and even during the sorting and shipment phases. Even after cooking food thoroughly, it can still be present.
How Is Hepatitis A Transmitted?
How is Hep A transmitted? Hepatitis A can be contracted or spread when an unvaccinated person eats or drinks infected fecal matter through objects, food, or drinks that carry the virus—even in microscopic amounts. Eating or drinking contaminated food or water is the most common way of contracting hepatitis A.
How do you get Hep A? Is Hepatitis A an STD? Hep A can also be transmitted sexually whenever partners’ sexual fluids mix with infected fecal matter. The most common way to acquire hepatitis A sexually is through oral-anal contact with someone carrying the virus due to the chances of ingesting fecal matter. Symptoms are often mild or not apparent, and a person can transmit the virus to others up to two weeks before symptoms even appear.
A few other ways detailing how hepatitis A is transmitted include:
- Close personal contact with infected persons who have poor hygiene
- Sharing intravenous illegal drugs with an infected person
- Anal sex
Is Hepatitis A Contagious?
Yes, it is. You are most contagious shortly after you acquire HAV, even if symptoms haven’t appeared yet. Once symptoms do begin to appear, after two weeks, you are no longer contagious. However, those with weak immune systems may be contagious for up to six months.
Is Hepatitis A Sexually Transmitted?
Is Hep A an STD? How is Hep A spread? Hepatitis A virus can be transmitted through any sexual activity that is with someone who has the infection. This also goes for what is called a “brown shower” in the BDSM world. A “brown shower” is when the excrement of someone is emptied into the mouth of another person. Similar to a “golden shower”, which refers to urine instead of feces.
Can I Get it Again?
No, if you have been infected with hepatitis A in the past, your body has developed antibodies to the hepatitis A virus, therefore you cannot get it again.
Risk factors
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), hepatitis A transmission is decreasing in the United States. Getting tested is especially important if you have traveled or lived in locations such as Eastern Europe, Africa, Mexico, Central or South America, or certain parts of Asia where hepatitis A is prevalent.
Those at a higher risk of acquiring HAV may include those who:
- Live in areas that have a lack of safe water
- Live in a household with an infected person
- Have poor sanitation/hygiene
- Are sexually active but are not vaccinated
- Participate in anal sex or oral-anal contact
- Travel to areas of high endemicity without being vaccinated
- Work with nonhuman primates
Hepatitis A Prevention
The best method for preventing hepatitis A is to get vaccinated as it is highly effective at preventing infection as well as providing long-term protection. The CDC recommends getting a shot of immune globulin (Ig) before traveling, or if you are at a high risk of contracting the virus. Hepatitis vaccines are considered highly effective and safe.
The following people are recommended a hepatitis A vaccination:
- All children when they reach 1 year old
- Travelers to countries where hepatitis A is prevalent
- Family/caregivers of adoptees from countries where hepatitis A is common
- Those who participate in anal sex
- Users of recreational drugs, whether injected or not
- People who live in unsanitary conditions or experiencing homelessness
- People with chronic or long-term liver disease, including HBV or HCV
- People with clotting factor disorders
- People with direct contact with others who have hepatitis A
- Any person wishing to obtain immunity against the virus
What is Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)?
In the case of hepatitis A, PEP works as an injection of either the hepatitis A vaccine or immune globulin. Postexposure prophylaxis simply means to attempt at blocking or treating a disease after exposure. If you have ever been exposed to someone or you went through a scenario that had a high-risk factor of acquiring hepatitis A, PEP is an option at your disposal. However, PEP is only effective in preventing hepatitis A if given within the first 2 weeks after exposure.
Other Ways to Avoid Hepatitis A
Thoroughly washing your hands with soap and hot water after coming into contact with fecal matter is key to avoiding the hepatitis A virus.
The good news is, once you have had the hepatitis A virus, you cannot get it again since your body has built up antibodies against it.